2018 Calendar
Arisia | January 17 - 20, 2020 | Boston, Massachusetts |
Boskone | February 14 - 16, 2020 | Boston, Massachusetts |
Emerald City Comicon | March 12-55, 2020 | Seattle, Washington |
Norwescon | April 9 - April 12, 2020 | SeaTac, Washington |
Baycon | May 22 - May 25, 2020 | San Mateo, California |
Westercon 73 | July 2 - July 5, 2020 | SeaTac, Washington |
San Diego Comic Con | July 23 - 26, 2020 | San Diego, California |
Convergence | August 20-23, 2020 | Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Geek Girl Con | Oct TBD 2020 | Seattle, Washington |
World Fantasy Convention | October 29 - November 1, 2020 | Salt Lake City, Utah |
Orycon | November 13 - 15, 2020 | Portland, Oregon |
Loscon | November 27 - 29, 2020 | Los Angeles, California |
Please note that all shows should be consided tentative as we have not yet been accepted to all of these shows. Also, "Life May Happen" and we might have to cancel a show.